29 November 2011

More Anonymous

Rico says that the problem with allowing anonymous posting of comments is that, unfortunately, you get all kinds of crap, including this:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post Your tax dollars at work:
Greetings. Sorry if perhaps I am in the wrong thread with this blog post. I'm having some issues connecting my loudspeakers to a new amplifier device. The loudspeaker type is static. I assume that such speakers act differently when compared with standard speakers. According to the speaker datasheet, the speakers have an impedance which is similar to a capacitor. Regretably, the amplifier is going to oscillate, i.e. be unstable whenever I have these loudspeakers attached. When I employ ordinary loudspeakers the amplifier works fantastic. Then again with my static loudspeakers there's always a deafening hissing noise. Would a power transformer or just a load resistor make the amp stable? Could this compromise efficiency of the amplifier? I value your comments.
Rico says 'wrong thread'? You think? Since Rico has never talked about stereo equipment, nor speaker installation, he cannot imagine what led this poor benighted person to his blog in the first place...

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