05 November 2011

Missed by that much

Catherine Zap has a Yahoo article about an asteroid:
The bad news first: an asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier is hurtling toward Earth, and is expected to fly between the Earth and the moon on Tuesday.
The good news: the space rock will not, repeat not, hit Earth. Even though NASA has classified asteroid 2005 YU55 as a 'potentially hazardous object', and even though it will pass closer than all other large asteroids have done in the past forty years. It will do just that: pass by.
But the thirteen-hundred-foot-wide object, which will be just 201,700 miles away from Earth, offers a rare scientific opportunity. "Asteroids have passed this close or even closer in the past, but astronomers have not had as much advance notice," noted Bing Quock, assistant director of the Morrison Planetarium at the California Academy of Sciences, in an email. Quock added that the early alert, coupled with the asteroid's proximity to Earth, will allow NASA to map the surface of this particular asteroid "to quite a spectacular resolution that's usually available only by sending spacecraft up close to the object". The last time an asteroid flew this close to Earth was in 1976. The next time won't be until 2028. To get a good read of the huge space rock, scientists at NASA will engage a 230-foot-long antenna out of the Deep Space Network in Goldstone, California. The giant Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico will also capture images of the asteroid, starting at 3:28 p.m. PT on 8 November.
Fun fact for amateur astronomers: The asteroid is actually moving too fast for the Hubble Space Telescope, but, according to CNN, you could spot it with a telescope at least six inches in diameter. Space fans are keeping tabs on asteroid 2005 YU55 on the web: searches on the term rose to the stratosphere in just one day. For the record, there have been a few asteroids that have come close, in planetary terms, to Earth. An asteroid narrowly missed our planet back in June.
Rico says that one day it won't miss, and you can only hope it picks someone else's country to land on...

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