25 October 2011

Movie review for the day

Rico says it's not that it was such a great movie, even for 1947, but it's just the coincidence that all three stars were named Robert. If you're curious, however, you can get it from Amazon or Netflix:
"Joseph 'Sammy' Samuels (Sam Levene) is found beaten to death in his Washington D.C. apartment by his girlfriend, Miss Lewis (Marlo Dwyer). Captain Finlay (Robert Young) of the police department is the lead investigator into the murder, which seemingly has to do with a group of four military men, most of them recently decommissioned, that Sammy and Miss Lewis had drinks with earlier that evening in a bar. Those four are "Monty" Montgomery (Robert Ryan), Arthur "Mitch" Mitchell (George Cooper), Floyd Bowers (Steve Brodie), and Floyd's friend Leroy (William Phipps). Indeed, Monty, who is questioned first by Finlay as he wanders by Sammy's apartment during the investigation, confirms that he, Floyd, and Mitch were in Sammy's apartment later having drinks with Sammy, which explains why Finlay found Mitch's wallet in the apartment. On the surface, Mitch seems to be the most likely candidate as the murderer, based on Monty's story that Mitch was drunk and out of sorts. A fifth decommissioned military man, Peter Keely (Mitch's roommate, played by Robert Mitchum) confirms Mitch's tenuous mental state over his uncertain future, especially with his wife back in Chicago, but knows that sensitive Mitch is not the type of person who could be a murderer. Keely himself tries to find the missing Mitch to get his story and hopefully a confirmable alibi for the time of the murder. Keely and Finlay at times seem to be working on cross purposes, but both come to the realization of the identity of the murderer about the same time. Without hard evidence or a witness, Finlay believes the key to conviction lies with Leroy.

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