08 September 2011

Oops is now a Libyan term

Rod Nordland and C.J. Chivers have an article in The New York Times about some missing Grails:
The sign on the wall reads Schoolbook Printing and Storage Warehouse, but the fact that the double gates in the wall have been crudely ripped off suggests that something more interesting might be inside. It turns out that the only books to be found in any of the three large buildings in the walled compound are manuals on how to fire rocket launchers and wire-guided missiles, among others. The buildings are actually disguised warehouses full of munitions— mortar shells (photo), artillery rounds, anti-tank missiles and more; thousands of pieces of military ordnance that are completely unguarded more than two weeks after the fall of the capital.
Perhaps most interesting of all is what is not there but, until recently, apparently was: shoulder-fired heat-seeking missiles of the type that could be used by terrorists to shoot down civilian airliners. American authorities have long been concerned that Libyan missiles could easily find their way onto the black market. These missiles, mostly SA-7b Grails, as NATO refers to them, have been spotted in Libya before and are well known to have been sold to the government of Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi by former Eastern bloc countries. The evidence at the schoolbook warehouse confirms just how large those quantities were. It also raises questions about how many of them may have been purloined by rebels, criminals, or smugglers.
Matthew Schroeder, who researches heat-seeking antiaircraft missiles and their proliferation for the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, said the discovery of yet another looted arms depot in Libya was cause for concern, especially depots that contained what security specialists call Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems, or Manpads. Western governments and nongovernment organizations have repeatedly asked and prodded the rebel government, the Transitional National Council, to take steps to secure the vast stockpiles of arms that it has inherited, apparently to little avail. “Claims that depots holding Manpads and other dangerous weapons are still not being properly secured are very worrisome and should be thoroughly investigated,” Schroeder said. “In cases where stockpile security is found to be lacking, immediate steps should be taken to correct any deficiencies.”
In Washington, President Obama’s top counterterrorism official, John O. Brennan, said that the spread of shoulder-fired missiles and other weapons from Libya’s arsenal posed “a lot of concerns”, and that the United States had pressed the rebel government to secure weapons stockpiles. “Obviously, there are a lot of parts of that country right now that are ungoverned,” he said at a security conference.
A senior American military officer who follows Libya closely said it was puzzling that there had been so few documented instances in which Libyan loyalist troops launched shoulder-fired missiles at NATO aircraft. “I’m not sure what that means,” the officer said. “Fewer systems than we thought? Systems inoperable? Few people in Libya know how to operate them?” The officer said it was also unclear whether al-Qaeda or other extremist groups had acquired the missiles, though he said intelligence analysts were assuming they had. “But if they do, why haven’t they used them or threatened to use them?” the officer said. “It’s all very murky right now.”
A reporter for The New York Times, as well as a researcher for Human Rights Watch, and other reporters who visited the scene, found ten crates that had held two missiles each lying opened and empty. The crates were clearly labeled as coming from Russia. “Other countries know these weapons are on the loose, and they will be trying to get their hands on them,” said the researcher for Human Rights Watch, Peter Bouckaert. He was particularly concerned with one crate, labeled 9M342, the Russian designation for the SA-24 heat-seeking missile, the Strela. “These were some of the most advanced weaponry the Russians made,” Bouckaert said. Referring to the rebels who have taken control of Tripoli and to the international community, he added, “They need to get people here to secure some of this.”
The SA-24 can be mounted on vehicle-based launchers or fired from a person’s shoulder via a much smaller launcher known as a grip stock. The latter configuration, of the same class of weapon as the American-made Stinger, is considered the gravest potential danger to civilian aircraft because the weapon is readily portable and relatively simple to conceal and use. No grip stocks for SA-24s have yet been found in Libya, and the Russian manufacturer of the SA-24 has previously said that it did not sell any grip stocks to Colonel Qaddafi’s military. The SA-24s, it said, were sold only with vehicle-mounted launchers. The SA-7, however, is a shoulder-fired missile. A Soviet-era weapon dating to the 1960s that remains in wide use and circulation, it has been implicated in several attacks on airliners over the years, including a failed attack on an Israeli charter plane. Former Eastern bloc nations call it a Strela, for the Russian word for arrow. Nine of the freshly emptied crates found Wednesday were marked with the Eastern bloc designation for the Strela: 9M32M.
Libyan rebels have occasionally been spotted carrying SA-7s, though the weapon has no evident practical use to them, given that the Qaddafi air force was grounded by NATO months ago and that the only military aircraft confirmed in the Libyan skies have been the NATO planes supporting the rebels’ advances.
Although only nine crates, holding two SA-7s each, were found in the schoolbook warehouse, those crates were a part of what evidently were nine different consignments. In all, those consignments added up to a total of 2,445 crates delivered from Russia to Tripoli, containing 4,890 missiles, according to markings on the crates. But there was no way to ascertain whether the other crates in those consignments had previously been in this warehouse, or in some other part of the country. Many of the other missiles may have been issued to the Qaddafi forces in the field, which for months had a need to defend against aerial attack.
The Times has previously documented that 5,270 SA-7b missiles had been delivered to Libya. Some of those shipments were part of the same consignments found recently. But, according to the stenciled markings on the newly found crates, at least 2,322 of the missiles appear to be from previously undiscovered consignments, meaning that at least 7,592 of the missiles had been sent to Libya. Estimates of the true total run as high as twenty thousand such missiles.
A spokesman for the Libyan rebel military, Abdulrahman Busin, said the rebel authorities were aware of the schoolbook warehouse, which is only about a quarter-mile from the headquarters of the Khamis Brigade, an elite loyalist military unit headed by a son of Colonel Qaddafi. Busin said the rebel “military police” had probably removed the missiles. “The military police were aware of this and they took charge of it; they’re the ones who secured it,” Busin said. But if that was the case, he was unable to explain why the facility remained unguarded. And efforts were unsuccessful in contacting the head of the military police to confirm if his forces indeed had the missing missiles.
Rico says this is not a good thing. Let's hope the Strelas don't appear on the shoulders of some terrorists somewhere... But twenty thousand of the damn things? If they do turn up, that's the end of civil aviation as we know it.

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