26 September 2011

A failure to remember

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey had some harsh things to say about the West at the United Nations recently. But, while the countries in the Middle East may have convenient memories and don't want to recall earlier times when the West saved their asses, Rico does...

They suffered under the Ottoman Empire (that would be the Turks) from 27 July 1299 to 29 October 1923.
That ended when the British (and if you don't remember T.E. Lawrence, the Turks certainly do) threw them out after World War One.

They didn't enjoy being under the Germans from 1939 to 1943, either.
That ended when the British and the Americans (okay, and the French, too) threw them out during World War Two.

Sure, sure, they didn't like us supporting the Jews in 1948 when they founded Israel, but they could have... (A lack of imagination on their part.)
They didn't like us supporting Israel in 1967, 1973, 1982, or 2006, either, but, by that point, we didn't give a shit what they thought.

So when Erdogan gets cranky about us, the Islamic countries should remember who their friends are...

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