24 August 2011

Good police work, if you can get it

Rico says his friend Tex (who's getting to be as bad, though he has a long way to go, as Ruco's arch-perv friend David), sends along this one:
Texas state trooper, after pulling her over for speeding: "License and registration please, ma'am."
Woman: "Let me look for my registration. Sorry, officer, I can't find it."
Trooper: "Look again."
Woman: "It is not in my glove box."
Trooper: "Just to make sure, ma'am, please look again."
Woman: "Officer, you've already ordered me to check my glove box three times. My registration just isn't in there." Trooper: "Ma'am, please check again."
Woman: "For the last time.... I can't find it!"
Trooper: "Look again..."

The reason for his diligence is obvious, of course:

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