29 August 2011

Anonymous, sort of

Noah Davis has an article at BusinessInsider.com about the protest group Anonymous:
Anonymous, the loosely-organized Internet protest group, made its name fighting The Man. Ironically, some of the money from sales of the hacking group's signature look, the Guy Fawkes mask introduced in a 1980s comicbook and made famous in the United States by the movie V for Vendetta, make The Man a little bit richer. Time Warner owns the rights to the anonymous mask, The New York Times reports, meaning it receives a fee for every sale. As Anonymous grows in size and influence, it's only giving the massive corporation more cash. “We sell over a hundred thousand of these masks a year, and it’s by far the best-selling mask that we sell,” Howard Beige, executive vice president of Rubie’s Costume, a New York costume company that produces the mask, told the Times. “In comparison, we usually only sell five thousand or so of our other masks.” The hacker group first started using the masks during a 2008 protest at the Church of Scientology. If you can't beat them, pay them?
Rico says he loves irony, and this is a classic...

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