23 June 2011

Somebody's in trouble now

The Register-Guard has an AP article about al-Qaeda's financial problems:
Poor financial decisions with a Chicago futures brokerage firm lost an alleged al-Qaeda operative with links to Osama bin Laden some twenty million dollars in just eight months, according to a lawsuit filed recently in Chicago by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Federal officials said Abu al Tayyeb, through an associate, deposited nearly $27 million earned from a “Saudi Arabian-based investment scheme” into an account with Chicago-based R.J. O’Brien & Associates in 2005. But, because of a “poor trading position adopted” by the associate, the money dropped below $7 million less than a year later. Those exact investment decisions weren’t detailed in court documents.
Experts say the loss for al-Qaeda would have been considerable. They estimate that at the time of the 11 September 2001, attacks, its network took in up to thirty million dollars each year, but that amount has
dropped significantly since.“The value of twenty million to a terrorist organization is pretty significant,” said Scott Helfstein, director of research at the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center. “Like everybody else, they got their hands on some money and said, ‘Let’s see if we can invest it’. There weren’t a whole lot of people who did well.”
Rico says this is not a good crowd to fuck over with their money...

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