22 June 2011

Rico will be saving up

Rico says it ain't cheap at $300, but doubtless worth it, as Neil Hughes explains in an article in Apple Insider:
The release of Final Cut Pro X on the App Store also marked the end of Apple's Final Cut Express and Final Cut Server products, as well as the Final Cut Studio suite.
A person familiar with Apple's retail operations informed AppleInsider that the internal release of Final Cut Pro X was also coupled with an "end of life" announcement for Final Cut Express and Final Cut Server. It was said that, as of 21 June, Express and Server, along with Final Cut Studio, are no more.
Resellers will be able to return any boxed copies of Final Cut Express, Final Cut Server, and Final Cut Studio they may have in inventory. As part of its transition away from boxed retail software, Final Cut Pro X is only available on the App Store.
In addition to Final Cut Pro X, the release of Motion 5 and Compressor 4 are now on the App Store. Selling for $49.99 each via the digital download destination, the applications are apparently no longer part of a now-defunct Final Cut Studio bundle.
What the changes could mean for other applications in Final Cut Studio is unclear. The last update for Final Cut Studio came in July of 2009, and included Soundtrack Pro 3, Color 1.5, and Studio Pro 4.
Reflecting the end-of-life of Server, Express, and Studio, the websites Apple previously had devoted to each specific product now all forward to apple.com/finalcutpro. There, visitors are encouraged to download Final Cut Pro X for $299.99 in the App Store. In addition, Server, Express, and Studio are no longer available in Apple's online store.
Apple confirmed to Engadget that an Express version of Final Cut will not be made available, and that there will not be any upgrade pricing for current users. Individual users can purchase a single license for use on multiple machines, while business users must buy one license per machine. Volume education pricing is also available for purchase by institutions only.

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