07 June 2011

One way or another

John Burns has an article in The New York Times about new moves against Qaddafi:
In a move to intensify pressure on Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces, NATO introduced attack helicopters into its air campaign against Libyan forces for the first time, military officials said.
Two American-built Apache helicopters operating from a British helicopter-carrier ship (photo) plying the Mediterranean twenty miles off the Libyan coast, attacked targets before dawn near the oil city of Brega. British reporters aboard the Royal Navy ship, HMS Ocean, said that both helicopters returned safely after missions lasting less than two hours. Defense officials in Paris said that French helicopters flying from the helicopter carrier Tonnerre also joined in the Brega strikes.
NATO said in a statement that the British helicopters had successfully attacked “military vehicles, military equipment, and fielded forces.”
NATO officials have said that they regard the introduction of attack helicopters— the British Apaches and two French helicopter types, the Tigre and the Gazelle— as potential game changers in a conflict that has shown signs of settling into a stalemate. They say the helicopters’ advantage over airstrikes conducted from fast jets, flying as high as 20,000 feet, is their enhanced ability to carry out precision strikes against Qaddafi forces operating in urban areas, and to pinpoint targets like snipers or small groups of loyalist fighters hiding among civilians or close to schools and hospitals.
But the helicopters also introduce a new level of vulnerability for NATO pilots. Libya still has some scattered air defenses, consisting mainly of portable anti-aircraft missiles and truck-mounted systems, which could pose dangers to relatively slow, low-flying helicopters.
The helicopter attacks were begun a week after Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France approved the deployment of attack helicopters from each of their forces, describing the move as intended to increase the military pressure on Colonel Qaddafi. NATO leaders, including President Obama, have called on the Libyan leader to abandon power and leave Libya, demands that he has repeatedly rejected.
Previously, all of 3,640 strike sorties flown during the eleven-week air campaign had been by fixed-wing attack jets or missile-carrying Predator drones, following up on an initial barrage by cruise missiles. The British version of the Apache flies at a maximum speed of about 160 miles an hour, compared with the potentially supersonic Tornado, Typhoon, and Rafale jets that have conducted most of the British and French attacks in the air campaign.
The commander of the British helicopter carrier told reporters aboard the ship that the targets struck early on Saturday included a radar site and an “armed checkpoint” near Brega, a Qaddafi-held port in eastern Libya that has been a major export point and servicing center for Libya’s oil industry. French officials said that French helicopters attacked a military camp, apparently one that a NATO statement described as comprising fourteen military vehicles, as well as “two shelters and twelve tents.”
With the costs of the air campaign mounting, and the stresses growing on air crews, finding a way of breaking the stalemate has become a priority for NATO, and particularly for Britain and France, which are carrying the brunt of the campaign.
Mr. Obama has let NATO allies take the lead in the Libyan operations, an unusual role for them in the history of such operations. The United States’ role has been confined primarily to air refueling, airborne command and control, surveillance, and the deployment of missile-carrying drones.
Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard, the Canadian commander who oversees the air campaign from a base in Naples, Italy, issued a statement calling the helicopters’ first missions successful and adding: “We will continue to use these assets whenever and wherever needed.”
Within hours of the Brega attacks, Britain’s Foreign Office announced that Foreign Secretary William Hague had arrived in the rebel capital, Benghazi, for talks with rebel leaders. The London statement said that Mr. Hague’s trip was “meant to show support for citizens fighting the rule” of Colonel Qaddafi.

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