30 June 2011

Nice words from a nice guy

Rico says the Bayou Renaissance Man said what he should have:
Looking at the support forum, hundreds of other Blogger users had the same problems I had last night, which is why others of your favorite blogs might have been light on posting. The Blogger team seems to have fixed the problem, so regular posting should resume tonight.
As an aside, it always bugs me how people who use this free, let me repeat that: free blogging software can get so up-in-arms when it hits a snag. It's not as if we're paying for it, but some folks seem to get their knickers in a twist and get rude with the software providers about any interruption in service. Hey, I don't like interruptions either, but if I want something better, perhaps I should start to, y'know, pay for it!
Until then, I'll remain grateful to Google for providing this free platform for so many of us, and giving it a whole lot of nifty features. It's a very welcome and worthwhile public service. Thanks to the Blogger team for sorting out last night's problem, too.

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