12 June 2011

More on the Turkish border

The BBC has an article about Syrians fleeing into Turkey:
At least four thousand people have now fled violence in Syria to seek refuge in Turkey, a senior Turkish official said. A BBC correspondent on the border, Owen Bennett-Jones, says the real number of displaced people is probably much higher.
The Syrians have mainly been fleeing the town of Jisr al-Shughour, targeted in a government crackdown. An eyewitness described a tank attack on a nearby village in which people were killed and crops destroyed. Syria's government says its forces went into the town to restore order after the deaths of over a hundred security personnel.
Clashes throughout the country on Friday led to the deaths of at least thirty people. Hundreds of people have been killed in a crackdown in recent weeks on anti-government protests, which began in March. Meanwhile the US White House strongly condemned Syria's "outrageous use of violence" against the protesters and called for an "immediate end" to the violence.
The BBC's Owen Bennett Jones, in Guvecci on the Turkish-Syrian border, says the real number of displaced people is probably much higher than official total, because many have slipped across the border unnoticed by the Turkish army.
Senior Foreign Ministry official Halit Cevik said Turkey would deal with the crisis as best it could. "If they are coming, this is a humanitarian issue," he said. "We will do whatever is needed within our means." He added that, while Turkey could cope with the crisis at the moment, it might need international help if things got worse. But Mr Cevik said that the UN refugee agency, the UNHCR, would not be involved. The Syrians involved were not seeking refuge in Turkey, he said, as their eventual aim was to go back home.
According to Owen Bennett-Jones, an eyewitness to some of the events in north-west Syria said that Syrian troops used tanks to attack a village near Jisr al-Shughour. He said the attack began at six in the morning when people were still in their beds. He said his village is 4km from Jisr al-Shughour and lies high on a hillside. The attack he saw was on the village beneath his own. Forty tanks, he said, went into the village. They were surrounded by soldiers holding guns. The tanks fired at the houses and he said people were killed but he couldn't say how many. He said the soldiers then burnt the wheat crops around the village and ripped up the olive groves.
Thinking his village would be next, he decided to flee and with his wife, ten children, and four horses. He walked to Turkey. The journey took four hours and he says he left his family on the Syrian side of the border while he saw whether it will be possible to move the horses into Turkey.

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