14 June 2011

Gone, but not forgotten (yet)

Raymond Hernandez has an article in The New York Times about Representative Weiner:
A day after a spokeswoman for Representative Anthony D. Weiner said he was checking into a rehabilitation center, his aides could not say what kind of treatment he was receiving, or when he would be released. Pressed on whether Mr. Weiner, a Democrat, had plans to return to work in the House once he had completed his treatment, his spokeswoman, Risa B. Heller, declined to comment beyond a statement already released, saying he needed time to determine what he would do next.
Whatever Mr. Weiner’s plans are, the day since his spokeswoman said that he was requesting a short leave of absence from the House to seek treatment did little to mollify the frustration and anger of House Democratic leaders over the lewd messages and photos he admitted sending to women he met online. In fact, top Democrats in the House intensified pressure on Mr. Weiner to give up his Congressional seat, after new embarrassing photographs surfaced showing the congressman covered only with a towel.
Appearing on Meet the Press on NBC, Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the number two Democrat in the House, suggested that resignation was a far preferable option to a House ethics investigation and possible charges. “All his colleagues agree that this process— a judicial process through the Ethics Committee— is going to take time,” Mr. Hoyer said. “I really don’t know that we have that time, and I would hope that Mr. Weiner would use this opportunity to reflect upon whether or not he can effectively proceed. I don’t see how he can, and I hope he would make that judgment.”
The most senior Democrats in the House, including Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the minority leader, called on Mr. Weiner to resign after trying to convince him privately that he was harming himself, his family and the party by staying in office.
But rather than resigning, Mr. Weiner announced that he would take a leave of absence from the House to get treatment. It is not known where he is being treated or what the nature of that treatment is. His aides would say only that his Congressional office would remain open with staff members on hand to respond to constituents.
While Democrats in Washington stepped up the pressure on Mr. Weiner, two prominent New York Democrats, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Senator Charles E. Schumer, declined to call for his resignation during appearances at the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in Manhattan. Asked if it would be best for his party if Mr. Weiner were to resign, Mr. Cuomo said it was not his place to make that determination. “It’s basically a federal matter, so I don’t know that my involvement would be helpful or relevant,” he said. “Whether or not he should resign, that’s up to him, his constituents, and the Democratic leadership.”
Mr. Schumer, who is Mr. Weiner’s political mentor, declined to comment beyond saying: “Those of us who have been longtime friends of Anthony are heartbroken, and I’m just going to try to enjoy the parade today.”
In the meantime, protesters gathered outside Mr. Weiner’s Kew Gardens office on Queens Boulevard, calling on him to resign, waving handmade placards that read Resign Now Weiner, and chanting Resign today! Rehab tomorrow!
“I don’t want my congressman sending pictures of his genitals,” said one protester, Kevin Hilton, a 47-year-old resident of Marine Park, Brooklyn. “It’s disgusting.”
The protesters were met with a smattering of voices that supported Mr. Weiner; one young man yelled, “Keep your seat,” as he walked by, and another man held a sign that read: “Weiner should not quit.”
TMZ published photographs that were said to have been taken in the House gym, showing Mr. Weiner with his hand on his crotch and a towel covering his waist. The website said the photos were sent to a woman.
Despite the call by Democrats for Mr. Weiner’s resignation, Republicans sought to keep Democrats on the defensive. On Meet the Press, the Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, accused Democrats of acting too slowly in dealing with Mr. Weiner. Mr. Priebus said “the only job Nancy Pelosi was interested in saving was Anthony Weiner’s” during the initial days of the scandal. “We’ve got leadership and a Democratic Party that are defending a guy that deserves no defense,” he added.

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