30 June 2011


Rico says the whole concept is too funny, but Greg Bishop has an article in The New York Times about straight guys passing as gay in San Francisco:
The five ballplayers summoned before a protest committee at the Gay Softball World Series stood accused of cheating. Their alleged offense: heterosexuality.
Inside a small room, surrounded by committee members and other softball officials, the players said they were interrogated about their sexual orientation. Confusion reigned. According to court records, one player declined to say whether he was gay or straight, but acknowledged being married to a woman. Another answered yes to both gay and heterosexual definitions. A third asked if bisexual was acceptable and was told: “This is the Gay World Series, not the Bisexual World Series.”
Ultimately, the committee ruled that three of the five were “nongay”, and stripped the team of its second-place finish.
That decision, at the 2008 competition near Seattle, provoked a federal lawsuit against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance, which governs the softball World Series, and compelled the alliance to change its rules.
The case has also escalated into a flashpoint in organized gay sports. Sports leagues that exclude members based on sexual orientation— which is generally legal— are watching how the courts address the vexing question at the heart of this dispute: how should a group determine who qualifies as gay?
“It definitely takes an organization down a rocky path,” said Jennifer Pizer, the legal director at the Williams Institute, a policy group focusing on sexual orientation law. “It can be quite intrusive, and awkward at best.”
Dozens of gay leagues exist throughout the country for most sports, from flag football to volleyball, with tens of thousands of participants. The Gay Softball World Series is celebrating its 35th anniversary this summer, with several hundred teams from around the country competing for the title. Leagues often allow some heterosexual participants, in the spirit of inclusiveness, but still wrestle with rules regarding the limits on heterosexual players.
The National Gay Flag Football League, for example, has long used the honor system to impose its heterosexual limit (twenty percent of each roster for the annual Gay Bowl).
“We’ll look at our rule later this year, and we’ll ask ourselves the same questions: Is this the right rule? The right approach to a complex topic?” said Shane Kinkennon, the founder of a Denver flag football league and the national association’s commissioner. “The LGBT community has become increasingly sensitive to the way people self-identify their gender expression,” he added, referring to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.
The North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance limits the number of heterosexual players teams can have. The rule— jokingly referred to as the “straight cap”— is often a subject of spirited debate, and over time it has changed, from barring heterosexual players outright to the current policy of two per team.
At the 2008 World Series, the application of the rule prompted more debate. A protest was lodged during the championship game— the source remains unclear— against D2, a team from San Francisco. The hearing started “immediately following their championship loss,” according to court documents. The plaintiffs— Steven Apilado, LaRon Charles, and Jon Russ— contend that the hearing was intrusive, a notion disputed by the defense. They are seeking to have the team’s second-place finish restored, and to recover more than $75,000 each in damages for emotional distress. Through their lawyers, the players declined to be interviewed.
Roger Leishman, chief counsel for the defense, said that he spoke to all but one protest committee member, and that each said any player who claimed to be bisexual would have been considered gay. The defense insists that bisexuality never came up. Instead, Mr. Leishman said, the players provided evasive answers to challenge the rule limiting the number of heterosexuals per team.
“Some of the things the plaintiffs have said are just not true,” Mr. Leishman said. “They characterize it as a windowless room. It wasn’t. They characterized the questions as intrusive. They weren’t. It’s the Gay Softball World Series. It’s not shocking that someone would ask whether or not you’re gay.”
Three of the accused players were ruled “nongay”, although they said there were multiple votes and even a discussion about the definitions.
After D2 lost its appeal, the three plaintiffs filed suit. This month, in United States District Court in Seattle, Judge John C. Coughenour ruled that the gay alliance could legally limit the number of heterosexual participants, just as the Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that the Boy Scouts of America could exclude gays. But Judge Coughenour scheduled a trial for 1 August to further examine what happened at the hearing, and whether the players were victims of discrimination.
Ms. Pizer, of the Williams Institute, and other experts argue that sexual orientation is more complicated than a simple gay-or-straight definition. Experts describe a fuller spectrum of human sexuality, influenced by how a person acts, thinks, and self-identifies at a given time. Those factors could change over time, Ms. Pizer said.
The problem with a narrow definition, said Christopher Stoll of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which represents the plaintiffs, is how to define 'gay'. “How do you prove if someone is gay or straight?” he said. “One of the most disturbing things about the league’s position in this case is that there’s only one way of being gay, or one view of being gay. The definition did not include bisexual, or transgendered. Our clients break the stereotypes of what gay is supposed to be.”
Since the lawsuit was filed, the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance has changed its definition of gay to include bisexual and transgender people. It also clarified that it would determine sexual orientation by self-declaration.
The implications of the lawsuit stretch beyond the clarification, said Helen Carroll, the sports project director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights. She said she hoped it would spotlight the often-overlooked issues that face bisexual athletes and highlight the movement in gay sports leagues away from such limits.
But not everyone agrees that the rule is outdated. Chris Balton, the assistant commissioner of the gay athletic alliance, explained that he came out late in life and that a gay softball league provided support after his partner committed suicide. “His family didn’t want me to be part of the funeral,” Mr. Balton said. “Those guys got me through that. That’s why I love this organization. That’s what the rule means. If we allow it to be open, it would be just another softball tournament.”
Rico says that they may have to change it to LGBTS, to include those, like Rico, stuck in their straightness...

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