16 April 2011

Sometimes it's better than Rico remembers

Rico says that having his hard disk crash awhile back required getting a new computer, and then the long slow process of digging old files (the ones worth saving, anyway) off the disk supplied by his cloud backup service. (Who shall, in the interests of staying out of court over slander, remain nameless...)
Most of it, of course, is crap, like most things, but every once in awhile something good (in Rico's estimation, anyway) does surface.
One such is a short story entitled Dark Horse, Pale Rider (it's an inverted Biblical reference; you could look it up, but there's also that Clint Eastwood movie), about a cop in the distant future, out in space.
Upon rereading, Rico says it's surprisingly good, and he's working with his friend Kelley on turning it into something worth publishing; maybe a comic book (for which Kelley is justly famous) or an illustrated story. If that happens, of course, it will be mentioned here...

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