14 April 2011

Obama! To the woodshed!

Rico says the post title is a feeble parody of those awful Omaris nasal spray commercials...
But Mark Landler and Michael Shear's article in The New York Times about the President's struggle to get Congress to deal with the debt problem reminded Rico of an internal conversation he had whilst listening to NPR on the ladyfriend's radio this morning:
President Obama speaks well, and presents cogent arguments, including the Quote for the Day from The New York Times: "There's nothing courageous about asking for sacrifice from those who can least afford it and don't have any clout on Capitol Hill." But he needs to remind those idiots in Congress of certain realities, like "Politics is a great game, and we play it well in Washington. But there are times, and these certainly qualify, when we need to buckle down, forget politics, and do the work the American people sent us here to do. That includes reducing spending, where possible, without harming innocent Americans, and, where necessary, raising taxes to help balance the budget. Failure to perform these tasks, as enumerated in the Constitution and performed by Congresses for over two hundred years in this country, will make the people vote to remove those who refuse to do the work required of us at the next election."
Rico says that, in case you missed it, we are now over fourteen trillion dollars in debt; if the United States were a person, or even a corporation, it would be bankrupt...

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