13 April 2011

Not a good thing

Jessica Fender has an article in The Denver Post about a stupid Marine who screwed someone else and will get screwed, once they convict him of it:
Bearded, slightly stooped and lean, Noel Alexander Bertrand, 26, made his first appearance in court this morning following his arrest for allegedly raping a woman in a Denver International Airport concourse. Bertrand is under investigation for a Class 3 felony charge of aggravated sexual assault where force or violence is used.
His accuser said he slammed her to the ground, banged her head, pinned her by the neck, and caused her to have an asthma attack after the airport restaurant where they met closed for the night.
Bertrand's bond was set at $50,000 and he returned to Denver County Jail after a judge ordered him not to contact his alleged victim. A criminal records search in Oregon, where Bertrand is from, shows no prior criminal history.
The woman told local television news stations yesterday that she'd decided to spend the night at the airport after she missed her flight. She told Fox-31 and 7News that the attack lasted about ten minutes, and started after she rejected his attempt to kiss her. She said airport staff, possibly janitorial staff, witnessed part of the attack. Two other airport workers walking outside the building saw the attack through a window and called security. When guards pulled him off her, he tried to tell them it was a lovers' quarrel, the alleged victim said.
A representative with DIA said a contracted security guard called 911, and Bertrand was detained in the airport until police could respond to the scene. The woman was treated for injuries at a local hospital and later went to a relative's house in Denver.
A person named Noel Alexander Bertrand served in a Marine security detail at American embassies in Venezuela and Ireland, according to Leatherneck, a Marine Corps magazine.

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