28 March 2011

He either has a birth certificate or he doesn't

Rico says it seems like a simple statement about Obama, until you remember who's saying it: Donald Trump. Katy O'Donnell has an article in The Atlantic on the subject:
Real estate mogul and potential 2012 presidential contender Donald Trump defended his questioning of President Obama's birth certificate with a defiant, "this guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn't."
"I am really concerned," Trump said in a phone interview on Fox & Friends. "You have no doctors that remember, you have no nurses -- this is the President of the United States... He could have been born outside of this country. Why can't he produce a birth certificate?"
Trump, who has been flirting with a run for president, first made a remark about the so-called "birther" issue last week on The View. Obama provided news organizations with a scan of his birth certificate during his 2008 campaign, which some oulets also independently vetted.
"I brought it up just routinely, and now I'm starting to wonder myself whether he was born in this country," Trump said. Trump also raised the possibility that the rebels in Libya currently receiving backing from the West may have more nefarious allegiances than people realize, advising Obama to address the issue in his speech on Libya on Monday night.
"He's got to talk about who the people are that we're fighting for, because I'm hearing more and more that these rebels are aligned with Iran, maybe al-Qaeda," he said.
He managed to take another swipe at Obama in the interview, which lasted less than ten minutes, when asked about the budget cut protests in Britain. Asked if the same unrest could occur here, Trump said confidently that it could, and would, if Obama continues to be president. "We have people that have absolutely no idea what they're doing running this country," he said.

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