30 January 2011

Tunisia, again

Maher Chmaytelli has the story at Bloomberg.com of yet another exile coming home:
The leader of Tunisian Islamist movement Ennahda, banned under the rule of ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, returned to his homeland today after a 22-year exile in London.
The arrival of Rachid Ghannouchi has fanned a debate between his supporters and other groups that helped overthrow Ben Ali, who are concerned that Ennahda will seek to weaken the secular system enforced since the North African nation’s independence from France in 1956. The system is the most favorable to women in the Arab world.
“We are not terrorists, and we are against terror like everybody else,” Ghannouchi told supporters at the Tunis airport. “We oppose bin Laden. We are for freedom,” he said. “The 14 January revolution is for all the Tunisians, without exception,” read one of the banners held by Ennahda supporters who had gathered at the airport to greet Ghannouchi, demanding full participation by the party in the country’s political life.
Facing the dozens of supporters awaiting Ghannouchi, stood a group of young people opposed to what they described as the politicization of Islam. “No to Shari’ah,” they chanted, holding a banner: “Islam is too noble to be dragged into politics.
Ghannouchi, 69, gave assurances of Ennahada’s respect for democracy and women’s rights in an interview with the Financial Times on 18 January, four days after Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia, bowing to street protests that ended his 23-year rule. “The government used to always say, to frighten people away, that the Islamists will take away the rights of women,” he told the Financial Times. “We all recognize, we accept the personal status code, and will not cancel it or refuse it.”
At the airport today, Ghannouchi said: “We all have our opinions. We are here to build Tunisia. We are hopeful that God will help us, and that Egypt will follow Tunisia.”
Acting Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi, who is not related to Rachid Ghannouchi, is leading the interim administration tasked with preparing the nation for its first ever free and fair elections. He has said that voting may occur within six months.
Rico says "Islam is too noble to be dragged into politics"? Would that more people believed that (about religion in general, not just Islam).

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