29 January 2011

Still struggling to get it all back

Rico says he thought (foolishly) that his monthly investment in his on-line backup provider, Mozy, would make getting all his files back on his new (post-crash) Mac really easy. He even paid real money to get them all put on a hard disk, to make it even easier.
Not so fast, Sherlock.
It's been a couple of weeks now, and Rico's now back to trying to open the multiple-layers-of-folders just to get at the files, then sort out which copy is the right one (since some are 'zero kb', which is useless) and put them into some rational folders...
To say that he's unhappy with this turn of events is, to put it mildly, putting it mildly. The long list of expletives that come to mind would be, even for Rico, some bad language. (Though it puts him in mind of the joke that ends "strongly worded message to follow"; you can imagine the first message...)

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