28 January 2011

Not a lot of red on the map any more

Rico says it's been an interesting decade (as will the next one be, as Islam implodes), what with the global Communist menace reduced to a few tiny red spots on the map. (The map is incomplete; it fails to include Berkeley.)
What's left?
China (Communist in name only), Cuba, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam. That's it.
If you take out China, which is only pretending, and North Korea (which will doubtless soon fall of its own weight and be absorbed back into South Korea), that doesn't leave you with much, even if you do include Berkeley.
While the Islamic world will be filling the news void for quite awhile, Rico says he might (to his surprise) live to see the end of the whole Communist experiment.
Somewhere in London, Karl Marx' grave is making a whirring noise...

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