31 January 2011

Nice to see there's another curmudgeon out there

Wyatt Earp (not really, of course), who blogs at Support Your Local Gunfighter, has an 'About' statement that sound like Rico should have written it (except for the police detective part, of course):
Once in a great while, a blog comes along that inspires awe, surpasses all expectations, and truly changes people’s lives.
This is not that blog.
However, if you’re interested in reading the rantings of a sarcastic police detective/ice hockey player, this may be the site for you. Since 6 June 2005, I have published my idiotic take on every topic, from alcohol to weight loss (although I don’t recommend one to result in the other). In between, I have offered a smattering of opinions on every issue under the sun, delicately blended with the occasional war story from my chosen profession. Please do not think me a racist simply because I am a police detective. That would be ignorant.
I mean, I don’t like people from Canada, but that doesn’t mean I’m a racist.
You’ll find a little bit of everything here. Most of my commentary is peppered with snark and sarcasm– a coupling that my good friend RT labeled “snarkasm”– and no topic is off limits. I rarely use “sentence enhancers” here– you folks refer to them as swear words– and I’d rather my commenters check their language as well. My aunt reads this thing, ya know. I do not suffer fools, and I will delete any personal attacks from the comments section. That being said, I usually let my readers voice their opinions. I’m a cop, not a Nazi. To my wife’s chagrin and my male readers’ joy, I post photos of hot babes on a regular basis. If hot broads are offensive to you, this blog may not be your cup of tea.
When it comes to blogging, I have been more lucky than good. A lot of big-time sites and blogs have linked here, causing quite a few hit-alanches. Some people think I have talent, but in reality, I think I have a lot of folks snowed. Life has been good to me, and I try to remember that when people tell me how much I suck.
Anyway, welcome aboard, and feel free to browse around and look for some bargains. I think we have a few pair of parachute pants in the back.
Rico says he uses fucking 'sentence enhancers' all the time, and his family rarely reads him anyway...

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