07 December 2010

You gotta problem, Rico's gotta solution

Doc Cary, SASS 10672, from the appropriately named Surprise, Arizona, writes in the November issue of the SASS Cowboy Chronicle that "just the other day I watched a video made by some private citizens here in Arizona. They had set up some surveillance cameras at certain known corridors of intrusion. The videos showed men walking in from Mexico carrying rifles and handguns. Others were carrying large packs on their backs that contained, no doubt, drugs. How can this be considered anything other than an armed invasion of Arizona?"

Rico says this comes as no surprise to him (as his mother used to live a mile from the border in Arizona, and had drug mules and illegals stomping through her garden every night) and, of course, he has a solution: a one-mile no-law zone along the entire southern border. (Because we don't seem, yet, to have the same problem on our northern border, that's why.)
What's that, you ask? Why, a declared area (and posted, just like any hunting range), extending one mile north from the international border and a thousand miles long, in which no laws (federal, state, or local) will be enforced. That means, of course, that the illegals won't be illegal until they cross the new line, but it also means that traditional laws against carrying loaded weapons, shooting at people, and other minor infractions, won't be enforced either.
Surely we have enough crazed and armed Americans (according to the left, far too many) willing to put their lives on the line (because, remember, we're not enforcing the laws for them, either) available to loiter in the no-law zone and poach themselves some illegals, preferably those carrying guns.
And, no, proud as you may be of yours, trophies tied onto the hood of your car are not allowed... (Though photos, preferably posted on anonymous internet sites, are.)
Of course, we won't have as many gardeners in our rich neighborhoods or dishwashers in our restaurants, but that's the price we'll have to pay, ain't it?

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