23 November 2010

Uncivil war for the day

Thr BBC's John Sudworth explains how the cross-border clash developed
South Korea says it has returned fire after North Korea fired dozens of artillery shells at one of its border islands, killing two marines. The South's military was placed on its highest non-wartime alert after the shells landed on Yeonpyeong island.
There is confusion about what triggered the shelling, with the North's military insisting it did not open fire first. Analysts say this is one of the most serious clashes since the Korean War ended without a peace treaty in 1953. There have been occasional cross-border incidents since, but the latest comes at a time of rising regional tension.
North Korea's reclusive leader Kim Jong-il is thought to be ill and trying to ensure the succession of his youngest son. On Saturday, it emerged that North Korea had also shown off to an American scientist what it claimed was a new uranium enrichment facility. The move prompted the US to rule out the resumption of six-party talks on nuclear disarmament that Pyongyang abandoned two years ago.
A spokesman for South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said North Korean shells had started falling in the waters off the island of Yeonpyeong at 1434 local time. At least fifty landed directly on the island, most hitting a South Korean military base there. The South's military immediately fired back some 80 shells in self-defence, Col Lee Bung-woo added. At least 16 South Korean marines and three civilians were injured in the clashes.

Analysis by Jonathan Marcus, BBC diplomatic correspondent:
Nobody needed any reminder of the volatility of the relations between North and South Korea, nor of the sensitivity of their disputed maritime border. In March, a South Korean warship was sunk by an explosion and an investigation indicated strongly that the North was responsible.
The shelling of Yeonpyeong fits into the same pattern. From the North Korean viewpoint, this is about establishing deterrence over the South and defending its interests. But it is also a wider demonstration to the world of the North's power and an indication of some kind of political transition.
What is going on in Pyongyang is impossible to say. Nonetheless, there are strong indications that Kim Jong-il has designated his son, Kim Jong-un as his successor. This opens up a period of uncertainty and unpredictability and this kind of incident is exactly what observers most feared.

A resident on the island told the AFP news agency that dozens of houses were damaged by the barrage, while television pictures showed plumes of smoke rising above the island.  "Houses and mountains are on fire and people are evacuating. You can't see very well because of plumes of smoke," a witness on the island told YTN television station. "People are frightened to death." Local government spokesman Yoon Kwan-seok said the shelling lasted for about an hour, and then stopped abruptly. "The whole of Yeonpyeong island was blacked out following the North Korean attacks," he was quoted as saying by the Yonhap news agency. "All of the island's 1,600-odd residents were evacuated to shelters."
The South Korean military has also deployed fighter jets to Yeonpyeong, which lies about 3km (1.8 miles) south of the disputed inter-Korean maritime border and 100km (60 miles) west of the Korean Peninsula. It said the "inhumane" attack on civilian areas violated the 1953 armistice halting the Korean War. Later, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak warned North Korea that his country would "sternly retaliate against any further provocations". "North Korea's shelling of Yeonpyeong island constitutes a clear armed provocation. Furthermore, its reckless shelling of civilian targets is unpardonable," his office said in a statement. "North Korean authorities must take responsibility."
But North Korea's supreme military command blamed South Korea for the incident. "The South Korean enemy, despite our repeated warnings, committed reckless military provocations of firing artillery shells into our maritime territory near Yeonpyeong island beginning 1300 (0400 GMT)," the state-run KCNA news agency quoted it as saying. The North would "continue to make merciless military attacks with no hesitation if the South Korean enemy dares to invade our sea territory by 0.001mm", it warned. "It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt." It did not say whether North Korea suffered any casualties or damage.
A South Korean military official later told the Reuters news agency that it had been conducting regular military drills in the sea off Yeonpyeong before the incident, but that no fire was aimed towards North Korea. "We were conducting usual military drills and our test shots were aimed toward the west, not the north," he said.
There was condemnation of North Korea from the US, Russia, EU and the UK, although China - the North's main ally - refused to apportion blame. A spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry said that both countries should "do more to contribute to peace. What's imperative now is to restart six-party talks as soon as possible," Hong Lei told a news conference in Beijing.
Japan's Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said he had ordered ministers to prepare for any eventuality.
Many residents of Yeonpyeong fled the island by ferry after the bombardment "I ordered them to make preparations so that we can react firmly, should any unexpected event occur," he said after an emergency cabinet meeting in Tokyo. "I ordered them to do their utmost to gather information."
Russia's foreign minister warned of a colossal danger, and said those behind the attack carried a huge responsibility. The White House meanwhile called on North Korea to halt its "belligerent action".
The BBC's John Sudworth in Seoul says news of the incident has rattled international financial markets, with both the Korean won and Japanese yen falling.
The Bank of Korea said it would hold an emergency meeting to assess the possible market impact.
This western maritime border, also known as the Northern Limit Line, has been the scene of numerous clashes in the past. In March, a South Korean warship went down near the border with the loss of 46 lives. International investigators say a North Korean torpedo sank the ship, although Pyongyang has denied any role in the incident. Since then, relations between the two neighbours have remained tense.

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