15 November 2010

Movie review of the day

Excoriate. Malign. Mock.
That would be Rico's reaction to Skyline, a recently released science-fiction (emphasis on the fiction) movie (made for an unbelievable ten million bucks (would that Rico had even a percent of that to make Zone of Fire) by Black Monday Film Services, Hydraulx, Rat Entertainment, and Relativity Media, and distributed by Rogue Entertainment) ostensibly about aliens descending upon Earth to, apparently, kill all humans and take their brains. (None of this is actually explained, you understand.)
Stupidly, we didn't read the review by some smart Israeli at imdb.com:
Went to see Skyline which premiered here last night. Worst sci-fi movie ever. Bad casting, bad acting, no plot, no ending, even bad CGI.
Don't go. Don't rent. Don't even download or copy.
Next time: wait for reviews, never get excited by trailers & cool posters again...
What you see in the trailers is the first few minutes of the movie. That's it. There is no more substance than that.
This review I am writing (which is forcing me to write a minimum of ten lines) has more content and thought than the movie script.
bad bad bad bad
Rico says he could not agree more. If there was any way, shy of a felony, to force the makers of this POS to cough up the money for three tickets and the snack bar for he and his friends (who vehemently concur), Rico says he'd do it...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. You saved me from spend non-expense account money to see this film.

    By the way, the real star of Clooney's movie "The American"? The Ruger mini 14!


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