02 November 2010

Future history for the day

Yemen, besides being a pathetic excuse for a little country (just under 204,000 square miles of mostly scrub and sand), is also home to some nasty little Islamic terrorists, some of whom just tried (unsuccessfully, thus far) to blow up a couple of US airliners with package bombs.
Rico says he doesn't often promote wholesale death and destruction (well, okay, occasionally), but just this once (until the next time, that is) he's suggesting a serious carpet-bombing of the western portion of this sand pit, where the few what-passes-for-cities-in-this-part-of-the-world (like Hajarin, below) are located. (Plus those two outliers to the east, just in case.)
Will that kill a lot of innocent locals? Damn straight. But that's what you get for hanging out with terrorists and letting them fuck with a superpower...
(Of course, they'll have to rewrite the history books: Yemen was one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. Between the 12th century BC and the 6th century AD, it was part of the Minaean, Sabaean, Hazramavt, Qataban, Ausan, and Himyarite kingdoms, which controlled the lucrative spice trade, and later came under Ethiopian and Persian rule. And, in the words of Beyond the Fringe: "They'll have to change the maps"...)

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