21 September 2010

What's a little war between friends?

Rico says his friend Bill Calloway, who often fulminates on immigration, sends along this quote from Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution:
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
Bill's suggestion is that, in Arizona's case, the invasion of illegal immigrants is so severe as to permit Arizona to engage directly in a war with Mexico. For once, Rico agrees with him... (Not that Arizona will do it, but they could.)
Of course, in his best curmudgeonly manner, Rico still posits his no-law-in-the-first-mile theory, where you merely don't enforce any laws within the first mile of the border, thus enabling all those rabid gub owners to go down and keep people from coming across the border illegally. (Once the bodies are piled high enough, people will get the idea and stop coming.) There would be some dead white boys, too, given the drug runners attitude and armament, but that's the price you pay for freedom...

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