30 September 2010

Oops is now a Taliban word

Benjamin Weiser has an article in The New York Times about the failed Times Square car bomb:
After Faisal Shahzad planted a car bomb in Times Square, he returned to his home in Connecticut and contacted the Taliban in Pakistan via computer, telling one of his handlers what he had done, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Wednesday.
Mr. Shahzad later told the authorities that he believed that the attack on 1 May would kill at least forty people, having monitored his target for three months through live video feeds on the Internet, to determine which areas drew the largest crowds and when they would be busiest, the prosecutors said. Mr. Shahzad’s goal was to “maximize the deadly effect of his bomb,” the United States attorney in Manhattan, Preet Bharara, told a judge in a new court filing. Mr. Bharara’s office also revealed that Mr. Shahzad told the authorities after his arrest on 3 May that he planned to detonate a second bomb in New York City two weeks later, and was prepared to conduct more attacks until he was captured or killed, the document shows.
In the filing, prosecutors asked the judge, Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum of Federal District Court, to impose a mandatory term of life imprisonment on Mr. Shahzad, who is scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday. “The premeditated attempt to kill and maim scores of unsuspecting innocent men, women, and children with a homemade bomb can only be described as utterly reprehensible,” the prosecutors said.
It is known that the Pakistani Taliban helped to develop and finance Mr. Shahzad’s bombing plot, but the court filing offers new details about how he communicated with them. It said that, in the period leading up to the bombing attempt, Mr. Shahzad stayed in regular contact with the Taliban over the Internet, using software programs the Taliban installed on his laptop computer while he was training with them in Pakistan. The programs were not identified. He communicated with his Taliban associates about the bomb he was building and the Nissan Pathfinder he had bought, as well as other topics, the government said. The memorandum does not reveal precisely what he told the Taliban the night of his failed attempt, but the communications support Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s assertion last June that “the Pakistani Taliban facilitated Faisal Shahzad’s attempted attack on American soil.”
Mr. Shahzad a former financial analyst who was raised in a military family in Pakistan and earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Bridgeport, pleaded guilty to ten counts in June, including attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.
At the time, he told Judge Cedarbaum that he spent forty days with the Taliban in Waziristan last December and January, and received five days of bomb training. It was there that he developed his plot with the Taliban, he told her, saying, “I made a pact with them.” He said he wanted to plead guilty “one hundred times,” citing American military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, drone strikes and other issues. “We will be attacking the United States,” he added, “and I plead guilty to that.” A lawyer for Mr. Shahzad, Philip L. Weinstein, had no comment on Wednesday.
In its filing, the government also revealed that during Mr. Shahzad’s cooperation with Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and police detectives after his arrest, he “never expressed any remorse for his conduct”. They said he spoke with pride about what he and his co-conspirators had done, much as he did in court when he pleaded guilty.
As part of their filing, prosecutors also released a video of a controlled detonation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force last June 29 of a bomb that was built to be “identical to Shahzad’s bomb in all respects”, except that the task force bomb technicians ensured that their device would work. The task force placed its bomb in the back of a vehicle identical to the Nissan Pathfinder that Mr. Shahzad used, and parked other vehicles nearby in order to measure the explosive effects on them, prosecutors said. “While it is impossible to calculate precisely the impact of Shahzad’s bomb had it detonated,” prosecutors wrote, “the controlled detonation conducted by the J.T.T.F. demonstrated that those effects would have been devastating to the surrounding area.”
The government also made public a video produced by the Taliban, in which Mr. Shahzad appeared and which was later released on the Internet. The video depicts Mr. Shahzad firing a machine gun in what appears to be the mountains of Pakistan, prosecutors said. He announces that he has met leaders of the Pakistani Taliban, and that “we have decided that we are going to arrange an attack inside America. I have been trying to join my brothers in jihad ever since 9/11,” he is shown saying later.
In citing the video, prosecutors said Mr. Shahzad, despite a life “full of promise” with his wife and two young children, had chosen instead a “nihilistic path that celebrated conflict and death cloaked in the rhetoric of a distorted interpretation of Islam.”

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