30 September 2010

Not the next one, it seems

Rico says with Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Mickey Rourke (still with the bad facelift), Arnold Schwarzenegger (out of his Governator suit), and Bruce Willis, how could it be bad? (Well, according to Kelley, whose opinion Rico respects, it's a total POS, and Willis and Schwartzenegger are on-screen for all of five minutes. Yet another case of a lot of money not equalling a lot of movie. But imagine what this cast cost them...)

1 comment:

  1. This film was garbage; a shameless star-vehicle without a plot. First, Arnold and Bruce do fly-by cameos. They're on for about five minutes. Willis has a Carribbean dictatorship he wants overthrown. He pitches the job to Stallone and Arnold. Arnold declines. Stallone says "We'll see", and he and Strathan fly down to take a look. They are met by spunky girl who just wants freedom for her people. Of course, he daddy is the evil Presidente. In the midst of the island tour a truckload of troops show up and tell the girl that her Dad wants to see back home. They also push Stallone around, misunderstandings happen, a shot is fired and they all die. Sly and Strathan bolt for their seaplane, flee the island, and decline the job. But Stallone (ever the sensitive one)can't get the girl out of his mind. He vows to go back alone. Of course the team won't have that, and they all go. Upon landing there ensues a battle that last 'til the bend of the film.And that's the plot: Sly goes back for the girl.


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