22 July 2010

Oops for the day

The BBC has the story:
A Taliban commander and his assistant died when a bomb they were assembling blew up, Pakistani officials say. The militant leader, Irshad Khan, is suspected of several attacks on Pakistani soldiers in the region. Several of Khan's family were wounded when the device exploded at his home in the Bajaur tribal region of north-western Pakistan, officials said.
The Pakistani military has twice declared victory against militants in Bajaur over the past eighteen months, but attacks continue.
Rico says we should declare victory for the third and final time and bring all our troops home. Then the Afghans and Pakis can kill each other in peace, like they have been for centuries. (And why is this all too familiar for those of us who actually remember 1968, 1969, and 1970, when we declared 'victory' over the Communists and left the South Vietnamese army to fight it out by themselves?)

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