23 June 2010

So much communication with so many strangers

Rico says that Plaxo (which he favors over the 'breathless twelve-year-old' qualities of Facebook and Twitter) kindly sent him a "surely you want to see the 263 people from Carnegie-Mellon University [that being Rico's almost-alma mater] who are on Plaxo" email.
Why not? Especially since it's pre-sorted to only present people who attended from 1971 to 1975, thus overlapping Rico's time there. (And doesn't that seem like ancient history now?)
Of the 263 listed, however, Rico recognized the name of one person. (Fortunately, a woman who, at the time, was extremely hot. Now that we're both approaching sixty, who knows...)
So, either all CMU folks are on Facebook (and, no, Rico's not going there, sorry), or they're not communicating...

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