16 June 2010

Good thinking, even for Apple

Julie Bosman has the story in The New York Times:
Score one for Ulysses.
Apple has decided that it is not obscene after all. After the makers of a web-based comic version of the epic novel said last week that Apple had rejected several images that contained nudity, Apple reversed its decision and asked that the panels be re-submitted.
According to Chad Rutkowski, the business manager for Throwaway Horse, the publisher of Ulysses Seen: “They basically apologized,” Mr. Rutkowski said. “They said they gave it a second look and realized that it wasn’t obscene or anything like that. They’re clearly drawing a distinction now, and they understand what we’re doing.” Mr. Rutkowski said he was rushing to re-submit the original panels to Apple. “The sense that he gave me was that they were going to try to get it approved and up there as quickly as we can,” he said.
The heavily-annotated version of the book is available in the App Store and on the publisher's website.

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