14 June 2010

Good advice

Rico says that he's getting toward the end of My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor (and, if you haven't read it, go buy it and do so), and he's trying to follow her excellent advice. It took her eight years, by her own estimation, to get back to the woman and scientist she'd been before. By his own estimation, Rico is only three (or 'fwee', when he pronounces it like a three-year-old; he thinks he's being funny, even if other people don't), so he's got a way to go. Here's some of the things she stressed:
I remain a very loud advocate for the benefits of sleep, sleep, sleep, and more sleep, interspersed with periods of learning and cognitive challenge.
I needed people to love me, not for the person I was, but for the person I might now become.
I needed to have dreams to work toward.
I am not stupid, I am wounded. Please respect me.
Rico says she's a great inspiration to him, and will be to anyone (and you probably know someone, or will) who's had a brain injury.

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