08 May 2010

Pissing up a rope

The New York Times has an Associated Press article about Nokia's latest legal delusion:
The Finnish cellphone maker Nokia Corporation said it had extended its patent-infringement claims against Apple to include the new iPad.
The latest complaint, filed in United States District Court in Madison, Wisconsin, follows other lawsuits by Nokia claiming that a broad swath of Apple products violate Nokia patents. Nokia says the disputed technologies help reduce the size and cost of electronic gadgets. Apple has already responded with its own infringement claims against Nokia.
Apple has also sued the HTC Corporation of Taiwan, one of the leading producers of cellphones that run on Google’s Android software, a potential challenger to Apple’s popular iPhone. Apple says HTC’s Android phones violate iPhone patents.
Nokia’s latest lawsuit is aimed at the iPhone and the iPad 3G, the version of the device that can connect to the Web using cellphone networks. Nokia said the gadgets infringe five patents related to technology that makes voice and data communications more efficient, allowing the devices to be more compact.
An Apple spokesman, Steve Dowling, declined to comment on the new case, but said the company had already filed a countersuit in December to earlier claims by Nokia. Apple claims Nokia is infringing on thirteen of its patents, saying the company chose to “copy the iPhone” to recapture its share of the high-end phone market.
Rico says Nokia is just wasting its money, but that's what lawyers are for...

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