28 May 2010


From the DEBKAfile:
A Palestinian sniper in the Gaza Strip injured an Israeli soldier on Friday, 21 May, shortly after a firefight with Palestinian gunmen, who had managed to cross into Israel from the southern Gaza border and advance some one hundred meters into Israel, while exchanging fire with troops of the Givati Brigade. The incident ended with the two terrorists killed by tank fire, and no Israeli casualties.
Hamas spokesman said the gunmen were sent on "an operation to attack Israel." Jihad Islami also claimed responsibility.
DEBKAfile's military sources report a rising number of Palestinian infiltrations from the Gaza Strip in recent weeks, although they never got as far as they did Friday. The Palestinian Hamas, Hezbollah, Jihad Islami and al-Qaeda-linked groups are believed to be bringing pressure on Israel's borders ahead of the countrywide homeland security exercise Turning-Point Four, beginning on 23 May.
Hezbollah's South Lebanon commander Nabil Qauq announced his organization was on war preparedness, and thousands of fighters were on their way to the border region.
Rico says lessee, two Palestinians cross the border (a trick in and of itself) and get a hundred meters (which, even walking slowly, is only a few minutes) into Israel before an Israeli tank blows them away. These guys are definitely operating on the backside of the power curve...

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