14 May 2010

No sweeties? Now you're in trouble

Rico says some stories just make you shake your head in disbelief, and Caroline Gammell has one in the Telegraph:
The girl was playing with the boys near her home when they were accused of assaulting her last October. However, at their trial at the Old Bailey, she admitted that neither boy raped her and said she had gone out to play with the pair because it “seemed like fun”. She said all three children pulled down their own underwear, which she knew was “naughty”, but had not wanted to tell her mother. The girl, who gave evidence via videolink, spent most of the day sitting on her hands and biting her fingers nervously as she was asked questions. The accused pair sat in the well of the court, next to their mothers, as the second day of the trial progressed.
Linda Strudwick, representing the older boy, asked the girl about 29 October of last year, when she had been playing outside her house in Hayes, West London. The court has heard how the girl joined the older boys, and then they all went into a block of flats, then a bin shed next to the flats, followed by a field nearby. It is there that the alleged rape took place.
Miss Strudwick asked about the moment the youngsters exposed themselves to each other, in a form of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”. Referring to her client, she said: “He took his pants down... The younger boy took his pants down… and you took your knickers down?”
To each question, the girl replied “yeah”.
Miss Strudwick said: “That was a little bit naughty, but nothing too terrible. You were all giggling at the time, because it was naughty and it was silly.”
The girl smiled and said shyly: “Yeah.”
Miss Strudwick said: “You knew that you had done something that was naughty? You didn’t want your mum to find out because, if your mum found out, no sweeties. When your mum came up to you, your mum was not looking very pleased with you? You knew you were going to get into trouble?”
Each time the girl replied: “Yeah.”
Miss Strudwick said: “You told her the boys had taken your knickers down because you didn’t want your mother to think that you had been naughty? Is that right?”
The girl replied: “Yeah.”
Justice Saunders who, like the barristers, has dispensed of his wig and robes, asked: “What were you worried about with your mother?”
“No sweeties,” the girl replied.
“Because if you had been naughty, you would get no sweeties? Had you been naughty?”
“A tiny bit,” said the girl.
Mr. Justice Saunders then told the child she had done nothing wrong. “I am a judge, and I know when people have done anything wrong, and you have done nothing wrong,” he said.
The boys, now aged eleven and ten, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, deny two charges each of rape and two charges each of attempted rape of a child under thirteen. Their trial continues.
Rico says he was guilty, at about the same age, of doing the same thing with one of his elementary school friends and the friend's even younger sister; not a good memory, and he regrets it ever happening, but he knows how 'I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours' seems innocent at the time...

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