25 March 2010

Swooning over Steve

Rico says it turns out (no great surprise) that there's a blog about Apple called 9to5Mac, and Seth Weintraub has a post about the latest Steve Jobs emails:
Not content with answering tech questions from Americans, Steve Jobs this week answered a question from all the way over in Sweden. The question was a good one, and one we've had on our minds as well:
I'll keep it short. I'm Jezper from Sweden, a long time Apple fan, currently about to replace the very last computer at home with a brand spanking new iMac i7. I'm also awaiting the release of the iPad. However, I have one question:
Will the wifi-only version somehow support tethering thru my iPhone?
Two devices, based on the same OS, with already built-in technology to share one data plan, suggests a secondary contract could possibly be redundant.
From the look of your keynote, where the iPad sits well between my MacBook Pro and my iPhone, I was hoping the three of them could interact as seamlessly as possible.
All the best, Jezper Söderlund[a famous DJ in his own right]
Jobs' answer?
Sent from my iPhone

(We've got the header information to help prove that this one was legit. Oh, and yes, Jobs is still rocking that 3.1.2 iPhone.)

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