31 March 2010

Some things you just shouldn't forget

Rico says he is glad that he got that straightened out: 2012 will not only be his 60th year, but it's the Year of the Dragon (again; happens in twelve-year cycles).
Turns out there are (how Chinese) subtleties about the dragon:
Zodiac Location 5th
Ruling hours 7am-9am
Direction East-southeast
Motto I Reign
Season and month Spring, April
Fixed element Wood
Stem Positive
Lunar Month Dates April 5-May 4
Birthstone Amethyst
Colors Yellow, Gold
Roughly equivalent Western sign Aries
Polarity Yang
Food Wheat, poultry
Rico says it's not a total coincidence that not only is he a Dragon, but Aries... (And if I Reign isn't his motto, it should be.)

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