09 February 2010

Stop whining and go home, already

Rico says the headline of Dan Frosch's article in The New York Times pretty much sums it up: Immigrants Claim Wal-Mart Fired Them to Provide Jobs for Local Residents
Lessee, non-citizens are bitching because some company (okay, Wal-Mart) fired them so that citizens could be given their doubtless low-paying (hey, it's Wal-Mart) jobs.
Worse yet, "all complaints also stated that West African workers, who are Muslim, were refused short prayer breaks. White and Hispanic workers, they said, were permitted unscheduled cigarette breaks." That's no fair. White and Hispanic workers shouldn't be allowed to pray to the tobacco gods, either.
Best case, the gummint forces Wal-Mart to go open some stores in West Africa and rehire the fired workers, but only if they go home first...

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