18 February 2010

New enemy, old war

Rico says he couldn't agree more with the editorial in The New York Times about carp:
The Asian carp, a large and ravenous invasive species, has been making a so-far-unstoppable migration up the Mississippi River. It now has come to within a few miles from the Great Lakes. Unless serious measures are taken soon, it looks as though the carp will likely break through, using canals that connect the river to Lake Michigan.
To stop the carp, the federal government has announced plans to spend $78.5 million for more waterway monitoring, flood prevention, electric barriers, and fish-killing chemicals. It also plans to limit the carp’s access to the Great Lakes by opening the canal locks less often to industrial barges.
The governor of Michigan and other officials in Great Lakes states say the plan does too much to protect Illinois’s barge industry and too little to protect the lakes. They say that the Great Lakes’ ecology— and the $7 billion fishing industry that depends on the lakes— already have been damaged severely by invasive species like mussels. They warn that it could be ravaged by an exploding carp population.
Will the carp make the leap and destroy the Great Lakes? It’s hard to know, but the risk isn’t worth taking. History shows that it never pays to underestimate the ability of aggressive, opportunistic creatures to outhustle competitors. That’s what Chicago did on its way to becoming a great city— by forcing the Chicago River to reverse its flow, carrying sewage and industrial waste away from its water supply, Lake Michigan, and into the Mississippi, never mind the outrage it caused downstream. And that’s the highway the Asian carps are using to flow the other way.
We hope the federal plan works but sympathize with Michigan’s attorney general, who called it a collection of “half-measures and gimmicks.” The problems and pain that canal closings will pose can be fixed or eased if necessary with Washington’s financial help. If the carp takes over the Great Lakes, that can’t be undone.
Rico says it's every fisherman's job to get out there and catch some carp; you don't have to eat it (though there are people who will), you just gotta kill it...

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