27 January 2010

Why it has to be a private beach for your wedding

Courtesy of my friend Dave, this uncontrolled-environment error at an otherwise nice wedding.


  1. ACHTUNG, Assassin!

    Kind of reminds me of a time long ago when I drove down the coast with a friend and his girl looking for a beach on which to film a movie for a school project. We found a likely spot, climbed down the cliff, and started to set up the equipment. As I was poking around in my day pack, my friend came up, tapped me on the shoulder, and said "Chris, it looks like we are on a nudist beach." And so we were. At first we wondered if the beachgoers would be angry at us for bringing cameras, but it soon became apparent that they thought we were there to film them, and were quite approving of that. Ring any bells?

    Too bad none of the film developed.

  2. Beach weddings are undeniably something special.
    The event leave everyone in awe. Mine was themed Weddings Thailand
    and until now it still brings meaningful happy tears tears...
    Advance happy hearts day!


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