28 January 2010

Another idiot

North Korea said Thursday it has detained an American man for illegally entering the country from China, the second arrest of a US citizen it has reported in the past several weeks. The man was detained Monday and is under investigation, the North's official Korean Central News Agency said in a brief dispatch. It did not identify him by name or provide other details.
North Korea said late last month that it was holding another U.S. citizen for illegally entering through the North Korea-China border. It did not identify that man, either, but he is widely believed to be Robert Park (shown above), an American missionary who South Korean activists say crossed over a frozen river into North Korea several days earlier to raise the issue of human rights.
Peter Beck, an expert on North Korea conducting research at Stanford University, said that though the circumstances of the most recent detention remain murky, he doubted that either of the cases would have a negative impact on relations between Washington and Pyongyang.
"I don't think the North is in a position to take advantage of having either of them," he said, citing in particular the case of Park, who appears to have entered the country on purpose.

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