25 December 2009

Our Willie is saved

Actually, that would be "our Bud is saved", not Willie Chamberlain of the King Ranch in Hawai'i, the first child saved from rabies by the vaccine created by Louis Pasteur. (The post title is the telegram sent to the Ranch when Willie, to everyone's amazement, survived.)
In this case (no fault of Rico's, for once), it was feared that Bud, our younger cat, had absconded through some open window (yes, there was one) and gotten out or been let out by someone (meaning Rico) into the main house.
Much frantic searching, including a full sweep of the house and five acres of snow-covered grounds (including many renditions from the treat container that plays "Who let the dogs out?" when you open it; a favorite of Bud's) ensued. Much blame was ascribed to Rico (no surprise there), even though he fervently asserted that he'd last seen Bud in the house when he got up to take a piss hours earlier.
Finally, after close to an a hour of all this, "I found him!" was heard in the land. Turns out the little weasel was sleeping in the clothes cart, and had ignored the whole affair, including his theme song:

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