27 November 2009


Courtesy of Bill Calloway, this about a fawn born prematurely (via Caesarean section) after a pregnant doe was hit by a car in the UK:
At just six inches tall and weighing just over a pound, he is now in an incubator in the intensive care unit at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire. He has only recently opened his eyes.
Les Stocker, founder of Tiggywinkles, said, "Rupert's mother had very severe injuries. We got the fawn out and got him breathing, then put him into an incubator and on oxygen. He is now being fed by a tube." Staff are optimistic Rupert, now five days old, will make a full recovery. "Deer are very, very tricky, but this one has spirit. He's an extremely feisty little guy and quite pushy," Mr Stocker said.

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