23 October 2009

Easy test: shoot Fuller

The Army News Service has the story:
Testing anomalies cited in a Government Accountability Office report on body armor do not mean the plates are unsafe, said Brigadier General Peter Fuller, program executive officer for the organization that fields new equipment to Soldiers. During a media conference at the Pentagon, just hours after release of the GAO report, Fuller said that the 85,000 X Small Arms Protective Inserts of interest in the report have not been fielded to soldiers and are in storage, and that the plates now in soldiers' use are safe. "We have the best body armor by far," said Fuller of PEO Soldier, "And we appreciate the oversight we get from organizations such as GAO, because what they do is ensure we provide the very best to our soldiers."
Fuller said the Army has worked closely with the GAO and other organizations to improve testing and evaluation in the acquisition process, and that the Army has in fact made improvements. The GAO report, he said, points out pains the Army has had with improvements in its evaluation and testing processes. "The challenge we are having with this GAO audit report is they are challenging our processes, and I think what we are really identifying is we have had an evolution of processes and we need to better articulate what we are doing there," he said.
The 85,000 XSAPI inserts are ceramic plates that fit into tactical vests for wear by soldiers to provide protection against projectiles and fragmentation. The GAO report questions adherence of the Army to some testing protocols when evaluating the plates. "Overall reliability and repeatability of the test results are uncertain," the report said.
Fuller said the Army is conducting additional testing on the plates to document their safety in compliance with standards. Phase II testing, he said, has already been conducted, and Phase III testing will start in November. "We told the GAO and we told the Hill yesterday, we are interested in taking all this data, the Phase II testing, Phase III testing, the additional surveillance testing -- wrap it all up in one report and provide it back to the Hill," Fuller said. Fuller said he hopes to articulate to both GAO and Capitol Hill that there have been challenges with Army testing protocols, but that the armor is in fact safe. Fuller said that Phase II testing on both plate designs in question have shown a "very high statistical confidence interval. They are fantastic plates," Fuller said.

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