19 September 2009

Who did what to whom?

Rico says the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post both have articles on the latest pissing contest between Google and Apple over something called Google Voice (apparently a voice dialer); this is from Michael Arrington's TechCrunch column in the Post:
Something clearly broke down behind the scenes in the ongoing Apple/Google negotiations over Google Voice on the iPhone, because Google released one of two nukes it has been holding back. In a letter to the FCC today, Google disclosed previously unpublished information about Apple's rejection of their Google Voice application.
There's no longer any question; either Google or Apple is flat out lying to the FCC:
Apple: "Contrary to published reports, Apple has not rejected the Google Voice application, and continues to study it."
Google: "Apple representatives informed Google that the Google Voice application was rejected because Apple believed the application duplicated the core dialer functionality of the iPhone."
Our position is that Apple is the one full of it, which we stated way before this new information from Google. And it isn't just he said/she said; Apple's story doesn't add up.
But Apple is standing firm, and even today told press that they haven't rejected the Google Voice application, despite what Google says.
This doesn't end here. As we've speculated, Apple will capitulate and accept the application with a few minor tweaks to save face. Because if they don't we've heard Google has yet another nuke waiting on the sidelines: a screen shot of the actual rejection notice via the iPhone developers admin with the formal rejection. At that point, Apple will no longer be able to rely on nuances and misdirection. The FCC and everyone else will know that they lied in a government investigation.
Rico says it won't be the first time someone lied to a government investigation, nor the last...

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