10 September 2009

Darling Leader?

Slate magazine has a squib garnered from the Mainichi Shimbun about the latest leadership change in North Korea:
According to documents obtained by the Japanese paper Mainichi Shimbun, North Korean government officials are gearing up for Kim Jong Un to succeed his father as the leader of North Korea. Kim Jong Un, who is believed to be 26, has been described by Kim Jong-il's personal chef as a "chip off the old block," with a "take-no-prisoners" personality. Among the documents is a secret police report outlining the urgency of Kim Jong Un's takeover and a textbook enumerating the proper ways that military officials should "admire" him. In a statement written by Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong Un is described as "a military talent who has genius wisdom and policy" and "resembles our great general (Kim Jong Il) so much in appearance." In spite of his genius wisdom, The New York Times reports that Kim Jong Un does not have any military experience.
Rico says a chip off the old block ain't gonna be enough. But, hey, Germany did it; maybe there'll only be one Korea again one of these days...

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