20 August 2009

Pissing off the Secret Service no end

The Associated Press reports that about a dozen people openly carried guns outside an event where President Barack Obama was giving a speech in Phoenix on Monday. Phoenix, Arizona police say the people with guns, including a man carrying an AR-15, didn’t need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested. The man carrying the rifle declined to be identified, but told The Arizona Republic that he was carrying the weapon because he could, adding that he still has some freedoms. Last week, during Obama’s town hall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a man stood outside with a gun strapped to his leg. Arizona is an 'open-carry' state, which means anyone legally allowed to have a firearm can carry it in public as long as it's visible. Only someone carrying a concealed weapon is required to have a permit. Paul Helmke, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said people should not be allowed to bring guns to events where Obama is. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said armed demonstrators in open-carry states such as Arizona and New Hampshire have little impact on security plans for the President.

Rico says pushing your Second Amendment rights is all very well and good, but doing it anywhere near the President is just asking for it... (But the Brady people gotta be gnashing their teeth over this.)

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