25 August 2009

No better, really

Rico says some Japanese guy keeps leaving comments on his Civil War for the Day posts and, now that he's found an on-line translator, we know what he's saying (sort of):
Is H in a help of the オ ○ knee life, relief department; want to show it, and let's get eroticism Sha-mail, a movie from a woman! A neighboring girl really fits, and is it possible to be H? Opening will play with the girl that it is in the summer?
Rico says you may safely ignore him, as Rico does; it's undoubtedly spam.


  1. This is what I got:

    H it will wish to show in the helping of [o] ○ knee life and rescue section, from the woman [ero] copying [me], the movie will get! If the girl of neighborhood really being agreeable, H thing to be possible, the [chi] [ya] [u] whether!? The girl and playing summer it has become open it is concave

  2. Bill Champ25.8.09

    Sounds like complete spam bullshit to me.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.