06 July 2009

Tea, thank you

The San Francisco Chronicle has a blog post about caffeine and Alzheimer's:
In what could be a ginormous boost to the coffee industry, scientists are saying that drinking five cups of coffee a day, could reverse memory problems associated with Alzheimer's disease. The study— which was carried out on mice who were exhibiting signs of dementia— also showed that caffeine helped slow the production of the protein plaques which show up in people who develop the disease. The scientists gave half the mice drinking water laced with caffeine equaling the amount found in about five cups of coffee. The other half got plain water.
They tested the mice two months later on memory and thinking, and the caffeinated mice did much better than their non-caffeinated test subjects. The brains of the caffeinated mice also showed a 50% reduction in the protein which creates the dementia. This is particularly exciting because currently there are no drugs that reverse the process of Alzheimer's, only drugs that can slow it down.
All you tea drinkers; don't get too excited. Tea also offered a benefit from caffeine, but you'd have to drink twenty cups of the stuff to equal the benefits of coffee.
Rico says that, even at twenty to one, he'll take tea over coffee any day...

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